Sunday, October 2, 2011

New Companion

Hermana Gomez and I

Buenos Dias Familia!  Tengo noticias~ Voy a tener una nueva misionera aqui!  Hna Gomez is leaving to another ward here in El Paso :(  and I am going up to Albuquerque today to get the new missionary straight out of the MTC!  This will be an adventure....I have no idea who she will be but I will find out tomorrow.  So I am super sad Hna Gomez is leaving we LOVE being companions...I feel like with most of my Companions they always have the things I don't and vice a we make a BOMB team as Hna Gomez would say it.  I have learned so much from Hna Gomez....and from the people here and there is lots more to be learned from the GREENIE FIRE.

So this week was interesting...all I can say is my new companion and I are going to have some SERIOUS work to do.  We have a baptism of a couple of kids coming up if all goes according to planned.  But we have to get to work FINDING again.  My favorite part :)  We had a really cool lesson with Carmon and Fito this week.  Carmen is an investigator and Fito is well a less-active member...they are novios(live together but not married...) It is so interesting because Fito knows what he needs to do and Carmen is learning but for some reason they DON"T DO IT.  They are awesome in all the lessons they read the scriptures...but they don't come to church.  Fito came yesterday :)  So we went into this lesson with Hno Pina this incredible member straight out of Mexico.  He sure has a way with words.  This lesson was completely guided by the spirit.  I don't think i've been that bold in all my life.  But we started with this question that just popped into my head...Who is the most important person to you?  They both responded Heavenly Father.  Then I asked, Do you know what Heavenly Father wants you to be doing?  How he wants you to be living?  They both nodded yes.  Then I asked, Are you doing these things?  ...They responded with a no.  So HOW CAN WE HELP YOU?  Oh my goodness way to get to the point!  They both knew it.  Knew they weren't doing what they should but you could see in their eyes that they wanted it.  So we told them...we are here to help you.  We have taught you these simple priniciples of the Gospel that are going to make you happy but you have to put them into practice or there is nothing more we can do.  We love you SO MUCH and we want to help you...but we can't unless you do something.  The key to the Gospel of Jesus Christ is ACTION.

Well, right now I don't know quite what to think.  Im a little all over the place.  Trying to help Hna Gomez get ready to leave.  Trying not to worry about the responsibility of training a new missionary.  I know the Lord qualifies those he calls.  And I am suprisingly very at peace with everything.  Change can be hard but so good at the same time.  I am learning to like it.  Because it happens a be honest its kind of exciting.   Who knows what is to come...the only thing I know is that I will give all I have to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ...inviting people to come unto Christ...they recognize the peace they feel when they start doing the things we ask.  When they start to have a simple conversation with Heavenly Father and read the scriptures.  Sometimes they don't connect the dots and sometimes they do.  But one thing is for sure...  I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ is brings true happiness people are searching for.  All we have to do is live it our very best in its simplicity and we see the little miracles that happen every day.

I have LOVED being in this area with Hna Gomez.  We have had so much fun...running around all day...getting home at night and wondering how we did it...then remembering this is the Lord's work.  He always prepares a way for His work to be done.  Even if it is through us who have many all works out when we do it all for Him.  I've probably laughed more than ever before in my Mission...I really am happy.  I thank Hna Gomez for that.  I think in many she ways she helped me figure out how to be myself while at the same time being the kind of missionary the Lord wants me to be :)  I love you all so much.  More updates to come next week.  We've got to get on the road.

Les quiero mucho.  No se lo que viene pero se que siempre tengo el apoyo y amor de mi Salvador Jesucristo y mi Padre Celestial.  Yo se con todo mi corazon que la obra del senor es lo mas importante que podemos hacer.  Que tenga una buena semana!

Hermana Holland

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