Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Truly Happy

Buenas! Como estan?!  Feliz Ano. Ojala que todo pasara muy bien para uds.  Ya estamos en 2012..ni puedo creerlo? He sido una misionera durante 3 anos...ja ja ja. Ok pues noticias de la semana!

Just want to start with this...2 Ne 28:32 "I will be merciful unto them, saith the Lord God, if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord of hosts."

This week the Lord has kept me going.  Coming unto him is the key to overcoming trials...really being truly happy.  It doesn't take my problems away, but it sure does strengthen me.  This week we set out to find new people to teach.  We found lots.  In Spanish lessons I basically am teaching the whole lesson by myself because my Companion is an English Sister.  It is a challenge, but we are working on the basics for Hna Harlan to be able to testify and pray.  I don't think she is fully convinced she is serving in Spanish right now for a reason.  I truly believe there is a reason for all of this.  President Miller told me if we weren't together right now, Horizon would not have missionaries.  Horizon City needs Missionaries so I am grateful and willing to be here.  

We had some cool finding experiences this week.  We went to teach an older couple who had come to church but are always in Juarez and found their sons girlfriend there.  She was so interested and grateful we were there.  She expressed her desire to change her life and to come to know her Heavenly Father.  Hna Harlan didn't understand anything but afterward she told me she just felt the spirit so strong.  She went to Juarez for the weekend but when we stopped by at the end of the week to see her again we found her boyfriend this big kid named Rafael.  His parents invited us in and we started to talk to them, I invited Rafael to come join us but he kind of nodded like he wasn't interested and sat in the kitchen.  I proceeded to read a scripture about prayer and turned to Rafael to ask him if He had prayed before and if he believed in God...He kind of said yes, then tears started to fill his eyes.  I shared with him my experiences of praying at first.  How at first I felt kind of like I was talking to a wall.  He said, ya..that is how I feel.  Obviously this was really bothering him. I then shared how as I continued to pray...kept trying I came to KNOW He really was listening.  It isn't until after the trial of our faith that we are shown the blessings.  It isn't easy, but it is worth it.  

The Lord prepares people. I know that.  Sometimes things don't work out as I expect.  But I know the Lord has a plan.  That will never change for me.  He lives.  He knows us.  I will never ever forget the lessons I am learning right now.  At the end of a long day...I know I always have someone to go to.  That is pretty cool.  Prayer is the coolest thing ever.  Think about it...a 24 hour lifeline.  Many people don't know Heavenly Father.  Many people don't ever talk to Him.  Everyone has aches and pains...so really, why wouldn't you want some extra much needed help?  That is what our Savior and Heavenly Father provide.  And that is what I love telling people about.  What if someone just understood exactly how you feel right now?  There is always someone like that...who understands you perfectly.  Jesus Christ. 

The people here are keeping me going.  Joselyn a young girl who ALWAYS has a smile on her face always ready and excited to listen and read the scriptures.  Rosie Olivas a mexican version of my Mom who has changed so much her perspective of life through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Maricela Trevino who always comes to church with this awesome smile on her face giving me the biggest hugs of gratitude and love...and many more.  These people are blessings and that I am so grateful for.  The coolest part, we are learning so much from each other.

Estamos empezando un ano nuevo.  En este tiempo del reflecionar podemos fijar metas...pero lo mas importante de todo yo creo es para decidir ahora que vamos a enfocarnos en las cosas sencillas en las cosas importantes.  El evangelio de Jesucristo es sencillo y se que nos trae felicidad.  Piensen uds en que pueden hacer para poder vivir mejor el evangelio de Jesucristo.  Estamos aqui para tener gozo.  Y este gozo real viene por el senor y las muchas bendiciones que el nos ha dado.

I love you all!  Les quiero mucho!  Feliz ano nuevo!

Hermana Holland

Photo: Jose and his new train~Gracias Papi

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