Monday, November 7, 2011

Just Don't Let it Get to Your Head

BUENAS TARDES!  Tengo noticias...ROSA se bautizo ayer.  Rosa got baptized last night!!  Has it sure been a week..let me tell you.  I don't even know where to begin other than...EVERYTHING is in the Lord's hands.  So it was everything but easy for Rosa this last week.  Friday bad things happened at her work and everyone got in a fight.  Then Saturday she was helping a family member clean their house/yard and she fell and twisted her ankle pretty bad.  So she was bed ridden for the day in quite a bit of pain with nobody to help her with her two kids.  So Saturday and Sunday we were doing everything we could to make sure the kids got fed...(I learned how to make a mean sopita)  and get her to church...organize the baptism...sounds simple in words but it really wasn't quite that simple.  Lots of things went wrong in the process but the most important thing went right...Rosa did not give up despite the little obstacles.  She kept her head up and kept a determination to figure out what she needed to do to get her family to church and her baptism.  I was so impressed with her.  And last night she was baptized and started her new life.  She was so happy!  It was my first Spanglish baptism haha!  She speaks both and has decided to go to the english ward but a year ago was going to the Spanish ward.  So people from both came to support her and it really was cool.  We performed our famous Uke number and it just all worked out.  It always does when you are doing your best and doing the right things.  I realized something last night.  When the man who Rosa wanted to baptize her almost didn't show up and we had to wait a bit for him..and our investigators were sitting their waiting...I could have been freaking out.  Not going to lie inside I was a little.  But something just kept me quite calm..something that really is unlike me haha!  And then Hna Jardin who is going home tomorrow was talking to us...and Hna Wagner was like How are you guys not freaking out right now...I am only calm because y'all are we looked at eachother and thought.  A year ago I would be freaking out.  I guess you come to learn you can't do everything perfectly and you can't control what other people do but you do your best and it ALWAYS works out.  And look it did...what mom and dad have always told me the worrier of the family :)  Can I just say...Dad you were right...just don't let it get to your head Dad.

I was thinking back this morning and realized what an incredible week it was.  We have a new investigator named Rebekah and she is SO COOL.  We knocked on her door a couple weeks ago and at first she was definitely not interested in what we were saying...I asked her if we could come back and she tried to say she would call us.  Then I remember talking to her about her family and her kids.  Asking her if they knew about their Heavenly Father and the plan he has for her family.  She began to explain that her kids no practically nothing about God.  And started to explain that it would be a good idea for them to know! :)  So then I asked again if we could come by and teach the family/kids and she agreed.  We went back for our apointment and she was R-E-A-D-Y for us.  We taught her about the Restoration and Jesus Christ as simply as possible...teaching in english is hard for me but it is coming along poco a poco.  And so..then we went back with another member family to teach the Plan of Salvation.  She had read the chapter we left her to her kids about when Christ visits the people in the Americas and she had such good questions.  Throughout the whole lesson...she asked such good questions.  She explained to us how she has a lot of anxiety when people come over or when she is out for that reason she doesn't go out a lot.  She said it was a huge step to invite us back.  Almost like she was doing it and didn't really know why...she feels something different and that is the spirit.  Her spirit recognizes something familiar and likes it...but a lot of times everything on the outside can convince us or distract us from listening to what is deep down and what we know to be true.  I am so grateful to be able see these changes in people when they DECIDE they are going to follow Jesus Christ.  It is one thing I hope to hold on to for the rest of my life. The miracle of change through the Savior.  The curiosity a person's spirit has...even when the world is trying to convince them otherwise.

Also this week we witnessed quite the fight between mother and daughter.  Never a dull moment...She got really mad at her daughter right in front of us.  And this poor girls dad just got taken to jail...she sometimes says she believes in God and sometimes not.  We are trying to get her to pray and read the Book of Mormon...but she isn't doing it.  Her Mom got mad at her for things going on at school...and then started telling us with a lot of emotion and energy :) that Ana has not read anything in that book we gave her...she said to Ana these girls come over with so much sincerity to help you and you aren't doing anything.  So tell them to stop waisting their time...these people sure know how to show emotion when they talk.  So then Ana let us have it trying to do what her Mom told her....and then ran to her room.  I realized something.  Kids learn by example.  I asked her Mom to read the book with her.  She kind of shluffed it off but said that we had a point.  I asked her if we could have a prayer with her and Ana.  So we went in her room and had a prayer.  They both were crying...but one thing I knew was the spirit was there and I just knew how much Heavenly Father loved them, because he does.  Sure was something is every day :)

Entonces ha sido una muy buena semana.  No era facil pero cada noche cuando me arrodille y empeze a hablar con mi padre celestial se que el me estaba escuchando y que aun con los muchos errores que habia cometido durante el dia el estaba feliz con mi esfuerzo.  Dios nos da debilidades para que seamos humildes.  Y eso es la verdad.  Se sin una duda que todo esta en las manos de dios y somos sus instrumentos.

Have an amazing week.  Favorite quote of the week, "It is not the design of heaven that we be rescued from all difficult situations.  Rather, it is the Lord's will that we learn to handle them." 

3 Ne 18:20 ~ When we say our prayers if we ask the right questions we will recognize the right answers.  Interesting concept..pray to know what to pray for.  "The role of the Holy Ghost is as important in determining what we pray about as it is in giving us the answer we seek."

Les quiero mucho!  Que tengan una buena semana.

Hermana Holland

1 comment:

  1. Hermana Holland, Thank you for taking care of Rosie. When I found out that she was going to be baptized this weekend, I started sobbing like a little baby. I love her so much, and was so excited to hear that she was finally ready to make that change in her life. Heavenly Father's timing really does work out perfectly :) Good luck out there!
