Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Amazing Week!

Hola familia,

This week was out of control~Amazing!  Last night I was just amazed thinking back to everything that happened.  No puedo creerlo.  

We had so many new families at church yesterday.  Rosie was confirmed yesterday and a family we've been working with FOREVER finally came to church. Ana and Luz...Luz has been a member almost all her life but hasn't gone to church and knows now she needs to come back for herself and for her 11 year old son.  Ana has 5 little boys and her husband just got put in jail.  They both don't have work and they almost lost their land.  They live in an old warn down trailor with no heat and most recently no lights.  We got the senior missionaries involved and they brought them ALL to church yesterday!  It was so cool.  During Gospel principles class Luz started to talk about how ever since we started visiting her, they have been going through some rough things and we have helped them so much.  In reality Jesus Christ has helped them.  We are simply the messengers.  But the crazy thing was, I didn't even know Luz felt like that.  It is the most incredible thing when people see their own changes through Christ. 

Rebecca is amazing.  She came to church again with her kids this Sunday and guess who accompanied her...her HUSBAND!  Wow.  And he stayed with her the whole time.  We were teaching the Gospel Priniciples class and Rebecca commented how she was just so surprised how nice everyone was at church.  She was like, It's that is weird that everyone is so nice and smiling.  But in the world today it is rare.  It is so can be a dreary place but we can decide to brighten it up.  It is amazing what a smile can do.  It is so cool that she notices things like that....these people we are working with right now feel so prepared.  They recognize their changes, they recognize what they need to do...and for the most part they do it. 

Hoy when we were washing our clothes there was this lady sitting next to what looked like her husband and she was crying.  They both looked pretty depressed.  Talk about SOS!  So we waited a bit till she calmed down and then Hna Wagner gave her a card with a picture of Jesus Christ on it.  As Hna Wagner explained it she began to cry harder.  After a little while I was folding my clothes, and my eye caught hers so I said to her, you should really check out that website on there I promise it will help you.  She walked over and started to talk to us.  They were passing through on their way to another city but I could see so much desperation in her eyes.  All I could think to say was, Your Heavenly Father loves you so much.  No matter what you are going through He understands and wants to help you.

Ok now for the coolest part of the week.  JOSELYN.  This little girl is 11 years old almost 12 and has the spiritual maturity of like a 18 or 19 year old.  Seriously.  Her mom was a referral from a member we were constantly trying to get to come out with us to do visits.  The one day we got her to come with us we were walking down her street and she said you know what that trailor over there...I think she is a member who doesn't come to church anymore...Oh and that one over there too.  It is true...this is ALL ABOUT working with the members.  Seriously.  Every success story i've encountered lately I feel like involves contact from a member.  So family, get to it!  Ok so Joselyn opened the door when we went by the house and she was the nicest girl I think I've ever met.  She was just smiling and glowing!  We went by a few more times and her Mom wasn't home so we just would talk to her.  Finally we found her Mom and her Mom is adorable as well.  Her Mom knows she needs to go back to church but seems a bit unmotivated to do so.  But Joselyn wants to be baptized so bad.  She wanted to when her brothers were but wasn't old enough.  So the other night we went by and Joselyn wasn't there but her brother who was baptized about 5 years ago, his girlfriend was there.  So we taught her.  And guess who showed up at church yesterday!  JOSELYN and the girlfriend.  Last night we went back to teach Joselyn and her family and she told us this~ I was reading the little book about the prophets you gave me to read and then I said a prayer like you said asking if they were true and after I just felt this feeling as she put her hands to her heart...and I was so happy.  And I know He answered me.  The prophets are true.  And I just wanted you to be the first ones to know that happened.  I wanted to tell you that....Isn't that the most precious thing ever!  Little kids do receive answers to their prayers in oftentimes more clarity than us adults because they are so pure and innocent.  When she was telling us that I was just like WOW!  You are one incredible little girl.  So she is all on board.  We got some work to do with the rest of the family but she is quite an inspiration.  She rides horses too...she is the cutest little thing!

I've thought a lot about prayer lately.  Listening to the little voice inside us that always says what we should do even when it is telling us to do something that might not be the easiest or most comfortable. 
2 Ne 32:5~ Always listen to it and you won't be sorry.  If we don't ask, we won't receive.  So Ask and He will answer you!

We had a cool district meeting this week and we got some new leaders and good things are happening!  One of the Elders brought up this really good point.  When we are talking to anyone, teaching anyone, trying to help is so important to think about the question "Why does it matter to me..."  If I put myself in their position and then strive to answer that question for them there is a lot bigger chance they will really listen to what we are saying.  So I am working on that. Christ.

Agradezco mucho a mi padre celestial por haberme dado una familia increible.  Estoy mas agradecida cada dia.  Los principios que se ensenan en el hogar dejan una impresion muy fuerte en una persona.  Se que el plan del evangelio es para las familias.  Nuestro deber en esta vida es a nuestro padre celestial y jesucristo.  Se que ellos viven..que nos aman tanto.  Se que el evangelio cambia vidas.  Lo he visto vez tras vez.  Y cada vez es mas bonito.

Les quiero mucho.

Hermana Holland

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