Wednesday, November 30, 2011

God Loves Me Just the Same

Joselyn y Su Caballo

Rosie's Baptism

Familia mia!  Ojala que tuviera un buen dia de gracias.  Hope you enjoyed lots of good food...fried turkey, smoked ever y'all made it this year.  Most of all I hope you realized how many blessings our family has been given.  There sure are lots if you look for them.  The best part of the week was Rosie's baptism.  It was so cool.  Her whole family came, although her husband and son aren't to keen on the whole thing but they came and supported her.  Also, her mother and two sisters who are not members were there.  It was a  beautiful service and LOTS of people were there to support her.  She was so happy.  I have so much respect for people like her.  They feel as though they have what their family wants in one hand and what Heavenly Father wants in the other and have to make a choice.  That internal battle must be so hard, but once you know what Heavenly Father would have you do, there is no going back because obviously what He wants will bring the most blessings .  She is so content.  And there is a sense of calm in her that didn't exist before.  It is another testimony to me of the change that happens in people through the Savior Jesus Christ.  This family has had countless problems no one would ever guess.  Yet Rosie is at peace knowing she is walking the path Heavenly Father would have her walk...and it will in the long run be the greatest blessing to her family.

Accion de gracias...Thanksgiving was quite the adventure.  We went to do a service project at the parade downtown El Paso which turned out to be a series of mishaps which made it all the more an fun right?!  But! We got to see our investigator Joselyn who was in the parade.  She rides horses as you can see in the photo.  Somehow Hna Wagner and I made a great team in locking the keys in the car...any yes mom I had my AAA card but it was in the car :)  The man who was driving managed to get blood clots in his legs from sitting on the curb for so long so we had to leave pretty quick after.  We managed to help a little with the cleanup but so it goes.  We go with the flow.  Thank goodness we had thrown some faldas or skirts in the car so we could run to our appointments.  We had an amazing dinner with Rosie and her whole family might I add very Catholic family, but it all went pretty smooth I would say.  Her daughter is our best little friend.  Then we had another delicious dinner at an investigators house.  We went around the table and said what we were grateful for.  Carmen's (our investigator) sister-in-law said she was grateful to be learning about the Gospel and to be able to go to church.  WOw!  Wasn't expecting that one.  And she came to church on Sunday with her husband.  Puedo dar muchas gracias por eso.  Then we ended the night having DELICIOUS pie with a member whose husband was a cane collector and has some of the coolest canes I've ever seen in my life from all over the world, and her son who is a less-active member and always tells us he is a Jew...which I have figured out is a Joke.  

We spent a lot of time out talking to people this week.  FINDING!  The most exciting part :)  The greatest challenge.  I have had a goal my whole mission to talk to everyone wherever I am, but i've decided to recommit myself to not just talk to them to talk to them, but teach them something that they would care about.  Ask them to do something with more sincerity...otherwise they have no reason to do it.  There are ALWAYS going to be things to improve and change that is just a fact of life.  So i've come to realize Heavenly Father doesn't want me to be so hard on myself.  I can make mistakes and he will love me just the same because he knows the desires of my heart.  The same goes for you whoever you are reading this.  He knows you better than you know yourself, and he knows your intentions and the extent of your efforts.  I've known this all along.  But I suddenly internalized it this week, and that makes all the difference.

There is a family we are working with.  A single mother of 5 little boys from 2 different fathers who lives in a cold dark trailor with another single mom of a 12 year old boy.  We brought the senior missionaries the Macdonalds with us one night when our original apt fell through...this has converted into an incredible blessing for this family.  The Macdonalds have been able to get blankets, clothes for the little boys, food for the family...and drive them to church.  Jose, the 12 year old will hopefully be baptized this weekend.  After church yesterday one of the young girls in the ward who is a primary teacher came up to me almost in tears.  She has 2 of the little boys in her class...and said they mentioned they don't have light or heat.  She wanted their information to find a way to help them.  It is so cool to see people who truly care about helping others.  That is how Christ was.  He had compassion...he loved everyone whoever they were and He still does.  I learn from the people all around me every day.  I am humbled and recognize how easy it is to be selfish and in reality how empty a selfish life of pleasure can be.  My perspective has changed in many ways.  And I am just grateful.

Quisiera compartir mi testimonio con uds de que Dios nos conoce perfectamente.  Se que yo he cometido muchos errores pero se que si yo arrodillarme en el fin del dia y hablar sinceramente con mi padre celestial el puede convertir los sentimientos de tristesa, de pena, culpa, lo que sea en paz de Dios que puede eliminar todo sufrimiento es he experimentado muchas veces.  Hay momentos cuando yo hablo y digo o hago cosas que nunca diria o haria antes por el espiritu de Dios...por que se que no camino sola y no hablo sola si quiero ayuda..y la necesito.  Estoy agradecida por un amoroso padre celestail que communica en su propio tiempo y manera con todos que lo buscan.  

Les quiero.

Hermana Holland

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