Monday, August 29, 2011

Hermana Gomez Meets Dog

PS: attached photos of me...
*waving to Mexico

*...heart-attacking someones door that wasn't pays to be skinny sometimes)

Hola Familia!  Como estan? little brother is a college student now!  WOW!  I hope you had a safe trip to school and your enjoying it up there.  This week was AWESOME!

Things started off a bit rocky last Tuesday...we had quite the day.  We had a member with us the whole afternoon and nobody opened the door or was home!  Like no one until the last house we tried.  We also went out to the middle of nowhere to find this lady who didn't know her address so tried to give us directions...and told us to ask the tiendita man where La Senora Marcela lives.  That didn't work...he didn't know.  So we tried our best marching through sage brush with little cactus everywhere in 100 degree heat.  We tried one house and realized the dog was off the leash and wanted to attack up so we went to plan B....The day ended with a group of young girls our age from the apostolic church...they wanted to bible bash.  So we tried to share our message and leave.  Interesting experience.  Funny thing is I got in the car with a stronger testimony of the Restored Gospel than before. 

The next day sure made up for it though...we received SO MANY REFERRALS!  And everything just seemed to go according to plan....You just never know what you are going to get.  We went to visit a less active who just moved into our area. There was a man outside one of his friends who looked like he was waiting for us.  We went to talk to him and he started to tell us he was friends with Arnolfo...and that he wanted to learn and be a part of our church.  He asked for something to we taught him about the Restoration and tonight we have a noche de hogar with him and another family in the ward!  Wohoo!  When we taught him the Restoration it was just one of those awesome lessons where the words just come out.  The spirit guides your words and thoughts.  Its so cool!  Anyways..referrals just kept coming all week long it was unbelievable.  We've got lots of work to do this week.

Heard about the earthquakes and hurricanes on the east coast...weird!  What is next?  Well...once again I am faced with the disappointment of someone who decides its just too hard to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ because...I have to quit smoking, drinking, coffee...We got there after a couple of days of not being able to see her and she said...I've decided to stick with my old church.  It is easier.  I know its bad but I just can't do it right now...I just have too much going on.  I am too tired.  I can't cut it all cold turkey. sad.  Every single one of us have our agency.  We choose our lives...and we live the consequences of our choices.  I had a realization in that moment we were teaching her.  She was talking about how she wanted to just work on it all herself.  She was going to do it on her own.  I thought about when I started my mission and started to face trials internally that I never ever thought possible...I learned I could NOT overcome it just dealing with it on my own.  It is the natural human reaction.  Yet we continue in that cycle of trying to overcome something and failing and starting over...and over and over.  It doesn't work.  The crucial step many people including me sometimes leave out is the step that involves letting the Savior take some of the burden.  Allowing Him to help.  So I thought of this when this woman was talking...she wants to do it herself.  But the reality is HE CAN HEAL YOU.  Only the Savior.  The world and the adversary like to make us feel like we are trapped and there is no way out.  It isn't like that.  There is a way out.  And that is through Jesus Christ.  The only way.  He loves you.  He knows you.  And he has His merciful hand extended much more than we think.  I know that....well I think it took me about a year to REALLY know that. 

This week I hit one year.  Hna Gomez had a good time with that one.  Aparently its like your BIRTHDAY int he the whole day she had texted all the people we know here and the other missionaries around here telling them to send me a happy birthday all day I am getting texts from all these random people and I had no idea how they all knew...haha.  Sneaky one Hna Gomez.  She is a sweetheart and an incredible missionary.  ...she also left little notes EVERYWHERE and heart-attacked the whole downstairs.  And she told our dinner apt so they had brownies with a #1 candle haha.  Oh other funny/scary story of the week.  The other night we were visiting the dark...with a member and her little daughter.  We were just going to invite him to church becuase it was getting late.  So we start approaching the trailor then a black dog starts barking and approaching us.  Sarai picks up her daughter and starts running..I ran after them...HNA Gomez the WOMAN of us all stands in front of the dog as big as she can and yells STOP!!!!!!!!!!!! ...and the dog stopped.  Power!  Bien hecho Hna Gomez..  hahaha...we had a good laugh afterwards.

Well It has been a grrreat week.  Full of hard days, incredible days, hot days....and moments where you just want the whole world to know how TRUE the Gospel of Jesus Christ is.

Se que hay tantas tentaciones en este mundo...tantas distraciones que pueden complicar la vida.  Pero ahorita puedo ver que en realidad el evangelio es muy sencillo.  Escogemos Dios...o escogemos otras cosas.  Yo tengo cosas que yo quiero y puedo ver que muchas veces las cosas que yo quiero no son las cosas mejores para mi...entonces...cuando batallamos...aprendemos.  Les quiero.  Siempre siempre estoy tan agradecida para uds.  Se que el evangelio es verdadero sin ninguna duda.  Jose Smith fue un profeta.  Y Dios nos ama.  Estoy tratando para aprender como puedo yo mostrar mejor el amor de Dios.  Necesito preguntar mas la pregunta...Que puedo hacer yo para ud?  Hay algo que podemos hacer para ud?...y ser mas mexicana :)

Les quiero.  Gracias por todo.  Que tengan una buena semana.

Hermana Holland

PS: attached photos of me...
*waving to Mexico
*...heart-attacking someones door that wasn't pays to be skinny sometimes :)

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