Monday, March 7, 2011

Vida Es Muy Diferente

Hola!!!! FELIZ CUMPLEANOS CONNOR!!! Como estan mi familia bonito. Ojala todo este bien con uds....Estoy muy muy bien.  WOWZA mi vida es muy diferente. I am emailing you from the Apple store in the thriving metropolis of Albuquerque haha that was a libraries are open on Mondays so this is the routine I guess.  I am with Hermana Batchkoff who I love SO MUCH in the northern part of Alvarado Park.  This week has been CRAZY.  Oh my goodness.  We white washed the area in other words double transfered in after 2 Elders...and to be honest they didn't really leave us with much.  (An apartment full of dumbbells and protein powder haha).  So we are basically opening up a new area here and I know just from one week it is exactly what this place needed...and exactly what I needed.

Don't worry Mom and Dad I am safe.  The Elders are in the South where the real ghetto is and unfortunately most of the Spanish.  We just go there for dinners with members and to visit single women.  I love it there to be honest...because I love the people there.  But of course the North (Our area) requires a little more hard work and strategy to find the Spanish.  Hermana Batchkoff and I both received blessings yesterday in which both of us were assured we would be blessed with safety.  SO DON'T YOU WORRY MOM :)

Anyways, the work here is very different and I love it.  We are definitely in the city now not in the middle of nowhere with random trailers.  Lots of Apartments.  When I got here on Tuesday and walked into the apt I was reminded of moving into those gross apartments in Provo but worse.  We sure turned it around quickly in one night because that is all the time we had.  First thing was first I knew nothing about the area and had a car and a million things to do with no map.  So I went and bought a GPS :)  Tom Tom is saving our lives.  We've spent the past week visiting the members and the less-active members-getting to know our branch.  I love them already.  Also, I am speaking so much more Spanish which I love.  We practically live in this one set of apartments where a family from El Salvador has basically taken us in as their own and is helping us with our Spanish.  A young girl with 2 babies who was just baptized about a month ago is living there and she is our new best friend.  We found a new investigator in their apt complex and I can't even tell you how cool she and her family are.  Monica (the recent convert) came with us the other day to meet her, and just as we were about to leave she asked her, can we have a prayer?  Coni(the investigator) was like of course and invited her whole family in for a kneeling prayer.  It was so cool.  Monica is the true missionary.  The members are the true missionaries.  After we left she told us...I don't know why I just felt like we should have a prayer.  I was so grateful she listened to that.  And within 2 days we had a new family of investigators and a member fellowshiper! WOHOO!  

We are also teaching this lady from Cuba and oh my gosh they talk a million miles a minute.  The Gift of Tongues is necessary in este hogar.  We are learning so much.  I am realizing how much the last transfers have taught me and prepared me for the work here.  How to work with members, with the ward council...the MEMBERS.  How to try and get them involved in the work which really is the most important thing for us to find those who are prepared.  We were informed when we got here the President of the branch wasn't to animated about missionary work and the members weren't too good at giving referrals.  I've learned you can't let preconceived ideas effect your work.  You do it anyway with no fear.  And we've received member referrals and had a lesson with a member in the short time we've been here.  

I love this because there is SO MUCH TO DO!  It is so exciting.  And there are so many people out here I know we need to find.  I've been realizing how much the previous transfers have taught me.  It is incredible. BLOWS my mind.  Commitments, help them progress, members, referrals, trust, love...the difference between being a missionary that works really hard and a missionary that works really hard and SMART.  So I am trying to implement these ideas and lessons learned here. 

There is so much to say.  So many miracles we have already seen.  Heavenly Father is blessing us for our efforts.  Even though we get lost a lot and don't always know where we are going...we are starting to get the hang of things I think.  I've never been so mentally exhausted these past few nights Spanish is in overdrive..having a million things you want to do and not knowing where to start.....but just asking Heavenly Father to guide you to do the thing He wants.  He does.  He really does.  I am so happy.  This change has been really good for me to see what i've learn and apply it.  Hermana Batchkoff is awesome and so are the Elders we are working with.  I am so lucky.  Good things are to come.  

I read something that kind of changed my life this morning.  A talk Hermana Batchkoff had.  It is about the Atonement.  I don't think I really understood this before.  But in the process of repentance we often rely on ourselves too much.  We recognize we've done wrong, we try to change it but keep making the mistake again.  It is a cycle of trying to change but inevitably falling again because we are human.  The key to repentance is once we have felt the Godly sorrow and shown Heavenly Father we want to change and sincerely strived to do so, we ask Him to take our sins away.  He can take them away.  We have to reach that crucial point I think is often forgotten when we cast the burden on him...stop relying on ourselves to fix the problem.  Just like in Mosiah 4.  Trust in Him and have the Faith that he can replace the pain with peace.  I know I often rely too much on do many people I think.  We can so easily forget the most important part.  This may seem simple to you.  But putting it into practice I have found it is not so simple but it is key to living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I love you all so much.  Congratulations again Alex.  Don't worry about the old fat guys who keep denying your project.  Connor I hope you have an incredible Birthday.  Blow your whistle for me..i've been thinking about you today.  Holly I hope you passed your driving test this morning.  And Mom and Dad I love you so much and am so grateful for all you have done for me.  

There is so much to say...but no time to say it.  I will have more next week.  We are going to go try to find the Buddhist Temple without getting lost.  Albuquerque is so random..weird place!

Oh my gosh I forgot to tell you.  The other night we knocked into a family who had JUST moved here from Iraq.  They spoke very little English...but as their culture would permit they invited us in and served us Coke.  I felt like I was back in Jerusalem.  But the coolest part...this time I had the Book of Mormon in my hands and I could bare my testimony of it without worry.  It was so cool.  He didn't take to it too much, but i know he and his wife were taken a bit aback...why two young girls were in their living room baring testimony of the Book of Mormon and the Restored Gospel..Offering service in anything they needed help with.  I was so grateful for that.  It reminded me one of the reasons I am here.  And what an incredible blessing it is to be able to share my testimony. 

Les quiero muchisisisisisimo!!!!!
Don't Give up.  You are Loved.

Hermana Holland

1 comment:

  1. Hermana Holland, que bien!! Tu espanol mejora muchisimo!!! He estado pensando a ti... espero que todo bien y estes muy feliz y tengas muchisimo exito con la obra. Yo se que el Senor te ama mucho y va a protegerte. Abrazos. Te quiero!
